Internet of Things in the Oil and Gas Industry – Current Applications

Ayn de耶稣

Ayn serves as AI Analyst at Emerj - covering artificial intelligence use-cases and trends across industries. She previously held various roles at Accenture.

石油和天然气行业的东西互联网 - 目前的应用

根据McKinsey, global gas demand is expected to reach 4,503 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2035, showing a more than 1% annual growth from 3,736 bcm in 2017. Asia is expected to be the biggest consumer of the resource at 47%, followed by the rest of the world (24%), the Middle East (16%), and the United States (14%).

AI and the internet of things (IoT) have found their way into the油和气world. As of now, numerous companies claim to assistplant managers, machine operators, and field personnel predict什么时候machines need maintenance and upkeep, keep employees safe in the work environment, and improve production


在本文中,我们列出了四家软件解决方案公司,该公司声称提供石油和天然气公司的IOT解决方案,从而利用人工智能所谓的所谓预测维护: using AI to know when to repair machine parts before they break entirely.

有兴趣的读者可能想阅读我们的文章预测一种nalytics in oil and gas, as预测(and prescriptive) analytics makes IoT-enabled predictive maintenance possible for oil and gas companies. For the sake of understanding this article, prescriptive analytics is simply predictive analytics with the extra step of recommending an action to a user.







闪耀is aT.exas-based company that offers一种suite of applications它声称可以提供帮助油和气businessesorganize, extract, classify, analyze, and process data to conduct maintenance on machinery and other equipment


  • Deepnlp,其中提取和组织各种企业来源的数据以启用分析
  • SparkPredict,使用机器学习算法分析传感器数据来识别即将发生的机械故障
  • Darwin, which trains the algorithms and builds the algorithmic models
  • DeepArmor,被培训,以识别恶意软件来保护和安全的客户系统

T.he modules work together to predict deviations in the optimal performances of machinery. For instance, unstructured data from a variety of sources are first collected by DeepNLP. The application classifies the data based on its attributes, allowing SparkPredict’s machine learning capabilities to filter and compare the new data with those in the database. If the algorithms detect sub-optimal performance in the machinery, the application alerts the plant operators before machine failure occurs.

我们可以推断出来油和气客户公司的专家需要确定在哪里安装传感器glycol system and export compressors。T.hese sensors would then collect telemetric data from those parts of theglycol system and export compressors, 如压力,振动和温度

然后将此数据用作正确运行的基线glycol system and export compressors

软件背后的机器学习模型需要在数百万这些遥测数据点和数据上进行培训,以及某些部分的数据glycol system and export compressors所需的维护,对这些部件进行维护多长时间,并且可能需要多长时间的零件到达现场。

然后将通过软件的机器学习算法运行数据。这将培训算法来辨别所有这些数据点中的哪一个与正常运行相关glycol system and export compressorsparts, the time at which theglycol system and export compressorshave needed maintenance in the past, and which of its parts needed repair.

T.he software would then be able to predict when certain parts of theirglycol system and export compressors在他们分解之前是由于维护。


下面是一个很短的3.-minute video demonstrating howSparkPredict作品:

闪耀声称有帮助一个未命名的oil exploration and production (E&P) company为预测维护创建算法模型,避免昂贵的应急维修,提高操作安全性,并在其所有17个油井中最大化生产

根据案例研究,turne勘探生产公司d to SparkCognition to create models that could predict well maintenance and production. Using Darwin, SparkCognition’s data scientists used the oil well’s location and reservoir attributes such as monthly oil, water and gas production datasets to train the algorithmics. In all, the models referenced 40 attributes to recognize seven maintenance event types related to the oil wells.




喷雾装置L.istsApergy, MHPS Americas, and the British Armysome它的过去的客户。

Bruce Porteris首席科学官闪耀He持有A.PhDinComputer Science加州大学欧文搬运工继续服用计算机科学教授德克萨斯大学,奥斯汀于2009年至2017年担任该部主席


SOFTWEB解决方案is aT.exas-based company that offersIOT连接,它声称可以提供帮助油和气businesses维护或改善设备性能和工人安全使用what appears to be prescriptive analytics.

SOFTWEB解决方案claimsIOT Connect系统的一部分是SoftWeb Intelligence和Analytics(SIA)平台。随着附着在泵,阀门和其他机器仪表上的传感器收集数据,该公司解释说,该数据被发送到云端,其中由SIA机器学习算法存储和分析。

T.he algorithms would have already been trained on data that indicates the normal functioning of the pumps, valves, or gauges; as such, they would be able to alert personnel when these machine parts were in some way malfunctioning, recommending them that they repair the parts.

下面是一个很短的3.-minute video demonstrating howIOT连接作品:

SOFTWEB解决方案声称有帮助industrial company英格索兰检测即将到来的机器故障,并避免在客户的生产基地停机Ingersoll Rand需要保持销售给客户的压缩机的高效率,以最大限度地减少生产过程中的无计计划的停机时间。他们需要一种解决方案来远程监测和对压缩机进行预测分析。

案例研究报告称,传感器将运营数据发送到IOT Connect,在那里分析以更好地了解所功能的设备。压缩机持续报告了油温,油压,第1阶段的温度,电机电流,系统压力和其他度量的状态,通过安全的互联网连接。这些传感器警告技术人员对机器的状态。如果操作参数指示异常行为,则通过电子邮件提醒维护人员。

T.his enabled the Ingersoll Rand’s technicians to remotely determine the specific component that was underperforming and bring that component to the customer site.

SOFTWEB解决方案一种lso listsBosch, Firestone, ABB, Fujifilm, Pepsi, Qualcomm, Siemens, GEsome它的过去的客户。

我们无法找到与强大的AI背景团队中的任何C级高管的证据,但该公司报告收入$4.4M in revenue annuallyr瓦斯isthe founder and CEOSOFTWEB解决方案He拥有一个多发性硬化症inComputer Science伊利诺伊州理工学院


T.elitis anItalian提供的公司一种n IoTit claims can help油和气公司improve productivity, safety, and conduct preventive maintenance使用自然语言处理(NLP)

T.elitclaimsthe solution includes the设备透明应用,可分析钻井设备,管道,卡车,火车,船和配备传感器的油箱的数据。


T.he company states that the resulting data analytics can be displayed on smartphones, desktop computers, and tablets, while alerts are received as emails, RSS feed, or a calendar event. This enables the business to make changes in the process to improve production, as well as conduct preventive maintenance on machines to ensure the safety of workers.

下面是一个很短的2-minute video demonstrating howTelit软件作品:

T.elit声称有帮助Intelligent Sensing Anywhere(ISA)deploy sensors in consumer LPG tanks and collect information about how the end-user homes use energy sources

ISA专注于LPG散装罐监控。ISA集成Telit的CE910-Dual和GE910-Quad V3模块,可提供移动和固定应用的连接,如自动售货机,销售点,跟踪,智能计量和远程信息处理设备。

Working with ISA C-Log to remotely monitor equipment for fuel and gas tanks, the system now collects data such as level reading in gas and other fuel tanks and alarm transmission, enabling ISA to generate a larger stream of data. No other details were provided in this case study.

T.elit一种lso listsAcclaim Energy,Aquarius Spectrum,Automile AB,Axentia,Bigbelly Solar,Bluewind,Corintech,MC机械系统,触控组和电视some它的过去的客户。公司提出$25.5 million in funding从Voila Credit, Fortissimo Capital, 360 Capital, and 83North.

T.hat all said, we were unable to find any C-level executives with AI experience on the company’s team, and so it is less likely that the company is actually leveraging machine learning than if they employed several data scientists with PhDs, which is our standard whenvetting companies on their likelihood of leveraging AI



Foghornis a提供的公司software called闪电边缘情报, which may help油和气businessesconduct maintenance that reduces machine failures and downtime, reduces costs, and potentially increases ROI and customer satisfaction使用机器学习


Sometimes, poor connectivity on-site makes it difficult send the large amount of sensor data to the cloud, causing delays. By the time data reaches and is processed with other data in the cloud, it may be too late to take any action.

FogHorn claims that its Lighting Edge Intelligence solution provides a machine learning-driven analytics engine with a footprint of less than 256MB that already analyzes the data at the edge before它传统上将被发送到中央云存储。


We might infer that the software is based on prescriptive analytics because the algorithm would need to be trained on data that indicates a regularly functioning machine part before a client company deploys it.

一个异常检测软件需要在能够开始预测机器零件故障之前几周到几个月,并且更有可能需要访问客户公司的云subject-matter experts and data scientists必要时向算法提供反馈。


For instance, the company explains that the application can monitor the operational data from an electric submersible pump. If a potential failure is detected, the system could automatically stop the pump to prevent damage and notify operations to repair or replace the ESP based on current machine health and maintenance models.


Foghorn在其网站上没有特征案例研究,但在新闻稿中索赔它有助于Daihen Corporation识别生产错误,提高协作和数据准确性,每年消除5000小时的手动数据输入。

Daihen needed a faster way to analyze data from dozens of sensors that measured material condition from the previous manual process. The company turned to Foghorn to deploy radio frequency identification (RFID) infrastructure to track manufacturing and team efficiency, and sensors to monitor the condition of its Osaka factory.

T.he press release claims that Edge ML automated the monitoring of Daihen’s electric transformers manufacturing process. Sensors collected data on the temperature, humidity and dust levels via RFID to generate analytics related to the assembly of each part of the transformers, and tracked how long each stage took to complete.

Using the collected data and the resulting analysis, Daihan was purportedly able to improved parts of the manufacturing process.


We were unable to find any mention of enterprise-level clients onFoghorn他们的网站也不在任何新闻稿中,但它提出了4750万美元在资金中并由英特尔首都支持,通用电气,沙特阿美能源风险企业

Sastry Malladiisthe CTOFoghornHe拥有一个多发性硬化症inControl Systemsthe Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur。先前,Malladiserved asChief Architect at Stubhub, an eBay company, and as Distinguished Architect at eBay.

Header Image Credit: Rimkus



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